Why Vote YES on Question 3 to Roll Back the Sales Tax to 3%?
Email This Page to your friends and you can help us pass this important ballot initiative and roll back the sales tax to 3%Hi,
Tuesday, November 2nd, Massachusetts voters will decide on Ballot Question3:
- Vote No to keep the state sales tax at 6.25% or
- Vote Yes to roll it back to 3%.
Polls say Question 3 is too close to call. It may win or lose – depending on what action you take now.
The Teachers Unions have poured over $4.5 million into Negative Advertising to scare people into voting against Question 3.
The YES on 3 folks are a small, grassroots campaign with no ad budget. Voters need to hear what’s good for families – not just what’s good for the Unions.
Please view one or two of these short YES on 3 videos NOW — so you hear the other side of Ballot Question 3.
1. YES on 3: A Jobs-Creating Machine for Massachusetts
2. Why Vote YES on 3 to Roll Back the Sales Tax to 3%?
3. What the Teachers Union Prays You Won’t Find Out Before Election Day, November 2nd
4. Incumbent State Rep. Dan Webster advocates YES on 3
5. Tom Keyes, Local Official and Efficiency Expert, Says YES on 3
Please forward this message NOW to every Massachusetts voter you know who:
- wants a tax rollback
- wants more jobs
- wants to cut government waste, or
- simply wants to be informed and hear all sides before voting.
And be sure to vote YES on Question 3 Tuesday, November 2nd. Your vote may make the difference.
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Media Inquiries
and Requests for Speakers
For media interviews, or to have a spokesperson present to your group (classrooms, social groups, churches, town halls, political organizations and events, rallies, etc.), please contact the Alliance to Roll Back Taxes.