Boston Globe Poll Results Vary From 2 Other Statewide Polls Conducted at Same Time

  • UNH/Boston Globe Poll: Conducted Sept 17-22
  • Suffolk University Polling:  Conducted Sept 16-19
  • Western New England College: Conducted September 19-23

3 Statewide Massachusetts Polls were conducted at roughly the same time.

Suffolk University Polling and Western New England College Polling both find Deval Patrick 7 points ahead of Charles Baker. Roughly the same lead polls have found for the last 4 months.

But Patrick’s 7-point lead vanishes in the Boston Globe Poll: It drops to 1%.

Suffolk University Polling shows YES on 3 polling at 51% / NO at 42% — but the Globe says YES on 3 is at 46% / NO at 43%. We’re ahead in both, but why are the poll percentages so different?

There are odd irregularities between the Boston Globe Poll and the other two.

Perhaps they are simple statistical fluctuations. Perhaps one or more of the polls have design flaw.

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