The Government Unemployment Rate is at least MINUS 30%
by Carla Howell
Is the government-sector unemployment really MINUS 30%?
At least.
Government unemployment may be MINUS 40%.
Am I serious? Yes!
What IS a MINUS 30% unemployment?
It’s having 30% MORE employees than the government needs.
It’s hiring and paying 30% MORE government employees than taxpayers want or need.
When government waste is over 30%, when government NON-essential spending is over 30%, when Big Government is at least 30% bigger than a super-majority of Americans want it to be – then government unemployment is 30% too high, then government unemployment is MINUS 30%.
It’s time to roll back Big Government – and let these unneeded government workers make or find jobs in the private sector. Productive, sustainable jobs.
Cutting taxes always stimulates PRIVATE-SECTOR JOBS.
What can YOU do to roll Back Big Government, cut tax, and create jobs?
Vote YES on 3 on November 2nd to roll back the Massachusetts sales tax to 3%.
YES on 3 will create 33,000 new, productive, private-sector jobs.
Vote YES on 3! (Make sure you’re registered by October 13th! Register today!)
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